A Generation of Deception
Callings and Titles (Offices within the Church) can be and are often abused and misused and due to such some will mock and doubt whether these Offices still exist.. Most from Baptist to Pentecostal are two fold. (Pastor and Teacher) But remember, GOD GAVE, (Ephesians 4:11) not men. God said it was and still is needful for this purpose (Ephesians 4:12) 5 fold NT Ministry still exist. We are the 21st Century New Covenant Church built upon the foundation of the Apostles. (Ephesians 2:20) Not all are Apostles, Prophets. but these Callings and Offices still exist to this day. (I Cor 12:29-30) Before Jesus returns, (unless you’re dead) there will be an appearing of one called the Anti-Christ, False Prophet, and their Headquarters will be in one city called " Mystery Babylon the Great " (Rev 17,18) Out of which Prophets of God will be permitted to enter and foretell of the bitter, bloody gloomy day that awaits this city and her inhabitants. These God called Prophets (Rev 18:24) will die for their obedience and the Voice of Almighty God will be uttered to the End- Time Remnant "Come out of her my people" (Rev 18:4). The Devil, Lucifer, Satan has always wanted to be God (Isaiah 14), but he will never be God. Just the Counterfeit. The Anti-Christ wants and will try to be the Christ, but will fail in only to be exposed as the Counterfeit. (Rev 13:4/ 17:8). The False Prophet will try to do the work of the Holy Ghost, but will be exposed as just the Counterfeit. (Rev 13:11) Counterfeit can never Counterfeit UNLESS FIRST, has seen the real. Genuine. God is no respect of persons, He calls, qualifies and positions whom he pleases. (Roman's 11:29/ I Cor 1:21) He called unto him, whom he would (Mark 3:13-14) He the Christ, NEVER ASKS OUR PERMISSION. AMEN!
photo shot at Aro Ha